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Privacy Policy Statement

We answer all your questions about how we use, share and protect your data

If you order something from us or if you subscribe to our newsletter, you want to know what we do with your data; that's understandable. We store your data in a secure database and we only use your data for communication with BONFIX B.V..

BONFIX B.V., situated at Holsteinstraat 4, 8028 RT ZWOLLE, is responsible for processing personal data, as set out in this privacy statement.

Contact details:
Holsteinstraat 4
+31 (0) 88 46 00 794

Mr M.R. van Buul is the Data Protection Officer of BONFIX B.V.
BONFIX can be contacted at


Personal data we process

BONFIX B.V. processes your personal data, because you use our services and/or because you provided us with those data. Below is a list of the personal data we process and store:

  • First name and surname
  • Company name
  • Gender
  • Address details
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • IP address

Other personal data you provided actively by creating a profile on the website, in correspondence or by telephone

  • Location details
  • Details about your activities on our website
  • Internet browser and type of device
  • Bank-account number
  • Company number
  • VAT number


The purpose and the legal ground for processing your personal data

BONFIX B.V. processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Completing your order and payment
  • Sending our newsletter and/or leaflet
  • Being able to call or e-mail you if this is required to provide our services
  • To inform you of changes to products and services
  • To deliver goods and services to you

BONFIX B.V. also processes personal data if there is a statutory obligation, for example data we need for our tax return.


How long we store personal data

BONFIX B.V. stores your personal data no longer than strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which your data was collected. As client we store your information and financial information regarding you and your company at least as long as required by law.

As subscriber to our newsletter we store your data as long as information that is sent to your subscriber e-mail does not register faults in sending and up to a maximum of ten years after inclusion in the database. You can always exercise your rights in respect of your data that are stored by BONFIX B.V..


Sharing personal data with third parties

BONFIX B.V. does not sell your data to third parties and only provides those when this is required to implement our agreement with you or to comply with a statutory obligation. We conclude a processor's agreement with businesses that process your data on our instructions to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. BONFIX B.V. remains responsible for this processing.


Cookies, or comparable technology, used by us

BONFIX B.V. only uses technical, functional and analytical cookies that do not breach your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone during the first visit to this website. The cookies we use are required for the technical operation of the website and for your convenience of use. They ensure that the website operates properly and they maintain your preferences. They also enable us to optimise our website.

You can unsubscribe to cookies by setting your internet browser not to store cookies. You can also remove all the information that was stored previously with your browser settings.

To increase the user-friendliness for you, BONFIX uses Google Analytics cookies. For your privacy we have taken the following measures:

  • BONFIX has signed a processor agreement with Google
  • the last octet of your IP address is masked
  • the share data option is disabled

Inspect, amend or delete data

You are entitled to inspect, correct or delete your personal data. You are also entitled to withdraw any consent for data processing or to object to your personal data being processed by BONFIX B.V. and you have a right to data portability. This means that you can submit a request to us to send personal data we record about you in a computer file to you, or another organisation designated by you.

You can send your request to

Your request will be answered as soon as possible, but within four weeks. We do everything in our power to deal with your question or complaint in the best possible way. If we cannot work it out together, you can submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevensby using this link.


How we secure personal data

All data you enter when you create an account are stored on a secure server. These data are stored for you so that you do not have to enter everything again during your next visit. BONFIX B.V. takes data protection seriously and takes suitable measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unauthorised disclosure and unpermitted amendment. If you are under the impression that your data is not secured properly or if there are indications of misuse, please contact our Customer Services Department at